Our Vision
To foster a community where all people have enough to eat and no one goes hungry.
Our Mission
To partner with local resources to provide the best possible outcome for the needs of the community.
Our Motivation
In 2018 there were 204,850 food insecure individuals in King County. 53,870 of these people are children. Food insecurity is a global issue with lasting emotional, psychological, and developmental effects. No one deserves to live hungry, everyone deserves a plate full.
Loving people in a tangible way through meeting a basic human need. We believe in treating others as better than ourselves and feeding others as a practical response to that mandate.
We coordinate with area merchants, citizens, and community leaders to meet individual needs, and the needs of families in a constructive and respectful manner.
We are committed to creating an inclusive, generous community assuring equitable treatment for all regardless of age, race, religion, gender, socioeconomic status, or life experience.
We carefully steward any and all entrusted to our care. This includes material, financial, human resources, and the lives and stories of our clients. Our board, staff, and volunteers hold us accountable to do what we say we will do.
We recognize and respond to the individual needs in our community by being creative, adaptable, persistent, respectful, and considerate.
Platefull was born out of a passion for seeing basic human needs met in the community in a timely, generous, and respectful manner. Realizing the value of our community and holding them in high regard, has allowed us the privilege of serving others on a daily basis in a direct, tangible way.
We provide food to those who are ill, elderly, shut-in, underprivileged, and underserved. This includes children, women, men, families, immigrants, and any individual who finds themselves facing food insecurity.
Food Insecurity is the term used to describe the “state of being without reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food”. In other words, being without the means and accessibility to provide for yourself and those whom you might be responsible for.
Platefull was born out of a passion for seeing basic human needs met in the community in a timely, generous, and respectful manner. Realizing the value of our community and holding them in high regard, has allowed us the privilege of serving others on a daily basis in a direct tangible way. Sofia and Lisa worked for various non-profits for years before meeting while volunteering. Combining their passion for seeing people fed was an easy choice, and one which led them to co-found Platefull. While all of our partners help others, we are conduit for all of them. We utilize years of working with non-profits to help other charities and clients work toward ending hunger and food insecurity in our community.